Selected Research Since 2014

Lynette Hazelton, Jessica Nastal, Norbert Elliot, Jill Burstein, Daniel F. McCaffrey. 2021. Formative Automated Writing Evaluation: A Standpoint Theory of Action. Journal of Response to Writing, 7 (1): 37-91.  Hazelton_Nastal_Elliot_etal. 2021_Formative Automated Writing Evaluation

María Elena Oliveri, David H. Slomp, Norbert Elliot, André A. Rupp, eds. 2021. Special Issue on Meeting the Challenges of Workplace English Communication in the 21st Century. The Journal of Writing Analytics, 5.

Kelly-Riley, D., & Elliot, N. 2021. Improving Outcomes: Disciplinary Writing, Local Assessment, and the Aim of Fairness. Modern Language Association. TOC.

Ling, G., Elliot, N., Burstein, J. C., McCaffrey, D. P., Macarthur, C. A., & Holtzman, S. 2021. Writing Motivation: A Validation Study of Self- Judgement and Performance. Assessing Writing, 48, Article 100509. Ling, Elliot, Burstein et al. 2021.

Slomp, D., & Elliot, N. 2021. What’s Your Theory of Action: Making Good Trouble with Literacy Assessment. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 64 (4): 468-475. Slomp & Elliot 2021.

Burstein, J., McCaffrey, D., Elliot, N., & Klebanov, B. B. 2020. Exploratory Writing Achievement and Genre in Postsecondary Writing. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference in Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK20) (pp. 53-55). Burstein et al. 2020.

Elliot, N. & Horning, A., eds. 2020. Talking Back: Senior Scholars and Their Colleagues Deliberate the Past, Present, and Future of Writing Studies.  Utah State University Press. TOC and Sample Chapter.

Mislevy, R. J. & Elliot, N. Ethics, Psychometrics, and Writing Assessment. 2020. After Plato: Rhetoric, Ethics, and the Teaching of Writing, eds. J. Duffy & L. Agnew, 143-162. Chapter.

Oliveri, M. E., Mislevy, R. J., & Elliot, N. 2020. After Admissions: What Comes Next in Higher Education. Higher Education Admissions Practices: An International Perspective, eds. M. E. Oliveri & C. Wendler, pp. 347-375. Cambridge University Press. Chapter.

Haswell, R. & Elliot, N. 2019. Early Holistic Scoring of Writing: A Theory, A History, a Reflection.  Utah State University Press. TOC and Sample Chapter.

Haswell, R. & Elliot, N. 2019. Holistic Scoring of Discourse to 1985. WPACompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 27. WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies.

Poe, M., & Elliot, N. 2019. Evidence of fairness: Twenty-five years of research in Assessing WritingAssessing Writing 42, Article 100418, 1-21. Poe_Elliot_2019.

Wood, S. A., & Elliot, N. 2019. Commemorating Community: Forty Years of Writing Assessment in WPA: Writing Program Administration. Special Issue, WPA at Forty, WPA: Writing Program Administration 42 (3): 28-35. Wood_Elliot_2019.

Poe, M., Nastal, J., & Elliot, N. (2019). Reflection. An Admitted Student is a Qualified Student: A Roadmap for Writing Placement in the Two-Year College. The Journal of Writing Assessment. Special Issue, Two Year College Writing Placement. 12(1).

Elliot, N. 2019. You Will Not Be Able to Stay Home: Quantitative Research in Writing Studies.  Explanation Points: Publishing in Rhetoric and Composition, eds. J. R. Gallagher and D. N. Voss, 84-89. Utah State University Press. TOC and Sample Chapter.

Madnani, N., Burstein, J., Elliot, N., Klebanov, B. B., Napolitano, D., Andreyev, S., & Schwartz, M. (2018).  Writing Mentor: Self-Regulated Writing Feedback for Struggling Writers. In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations (pp. 113- 117). Madnani_Burstein_Elliot_Klebanov_Napolitano_Andreyev_Schwartz_2018.

Poe, M., Inoue, A. B., & Elliot, N. eds. (2018) Writing Assessment, Social Justice, and Advancement of Opportunity. Perspectives on Writing. The WAC Clearinghouse and University Press of Colorado.

Haswell, R., & Elliot. N. (2017).  Innovation and the California State University and Colleges English Equivalency Examination, 1973-1981: An Organizational Perspective. Journal of Writing Assessment, 10(1).

Kelly-Riley, Elliot, N., & Rudniy, A. (2016).  An Empirical Framework for ePortfolio Assessment.  International Journal of ePortfolio, 6(2), 95-116. Kelly-Riley_Elliot_Rudniy_6.22_2016.

Elliot, N., Rudniy, A., Deess, P., Klobucar, A., Collins, R., & Sava, S. 2016. ePortfolios: Foundational Measurement Issues. Journal of Writing Assessment, 9(2).

Elliot, N. (2016). A Theory of Ethics for Writing AssessmentJournal of Writing Assessment, 9(1).

Burstein, J., Beigman Klebanov, B., Elliot, N., & Molloy, H. (2016). A Left Turn: Automated Feedback & Activity Generation for Student Writers. In Proceedings of the 3rd Language Teaching, Language & Technology Workshop. San Francisco, CA. September 5-7, 2016. Burstein_Beigman Klebanov_Elliot_Molloy_2016.

Rudniy, A. & Elliot, N. (2016). Collaborative Review in Writing Analytics: N-Gram Analysis of Instructor and Student Comments. In Proceedings of the EDM 2016 Workshops and Tutorials. Raleigh, NC, USA, June 29, 2016.rudiny_elliot_ngramedm2016

Burstein, J., Elliot, N., & Molloy, H. (2016). Informing Automated Writing Evaluation Using the Lens of Genre: Two Studies. CALICO Journal, 33(1), 117-141. Burstein_Elliot_Molloy_Genre_2016.

Elliot, N. (2015). Validation: The pursuit. [Review of Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, by American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, and National Council on Measurement in Education]. College Composition and Communication, 66(4), 668–685.Elliot_Validation-2015.

Elliot, N., Rupp, A., & Williamson, D. (2015). Three Interpretative Frameworks: Assessment of English Language Arts-Writing in the Common Core State Standards. Journal of Writing Assessment, 8(1).

Kelly-Riley, D., & Elliot, N. (2014). The WPA Outcomes Statement, Validation, and the Pursuit of Localism. Assessing Writing, 21(3), 89-103.KellyRiley_Elliot_Outcomes_2014.

Poe, M., Elliot, N. Cogan, J.A., Nurudeen. T.  (2014). The Legal and the Local: Using Disparate Impact Analysis to Understand the Consequences of Writing Assessment.”College Composition and Communication, 65 (5). 588-611. Poe_Elliot_Cogan_Nurudeen_2014.